IridiumSBD Remote Control
List of Hardware Components
Hardware | ID |
Level 2 Subsystem | l2 |
Level 3 Subsystem | l3 |
Level 1 IridiumSBD | iridium |
4G/LTE Modem | modem |
Bilge Pumps | pumps |
OWL VHF Radio | vhf |
The relays string is made of 6 booleans that indicate the relay setting: 0 = ON, 1 = OFF, 2 = REBOOT. The user can control the state of the sensor by changing the appropriate boolean in the array. Example: 011011 means l2 is ON, l3 is OFF, L1 iridium is OFF, 4G modem is ON, pumps are OFF, VHF is OFF.
List of Commands & Vehicle Replies
Commands are sent from operators to the vehicle. Replies viceversa.
Commands are written in red. Reference:
Periodical Status Reports: periodical reports from the vehicle.
(R) 13:29:16/63.872886,8.640461/b:127/c:78/s:0.00/sat:8/pp:15/cp:17/s:M/001011
meaning: (R)=report/UTC time/latitude(deg),longitude(deg)/b=battery voltage/c=COG/s=SOG/sat=GPS satellites in view/pp=produced power (from solar panels)/cp=consumed power (from system+thruster)/s=status (M:maneuvering, S:service, C:calibration, E:error)/relays.
The frequency of reports can be set via Iridium by sending this message:
<color red>reports seconds</color>: seconds is the amount of seconds between two reports.
Navigation Commands are used to send new navigation plans, retrieve telemetry and statistics, mission status.
- <color red>info</color>: retrieve information about plan being executed
- Vehicle is ready. : vehicle is ready to execute its first plan.
- Initializing <plan_id>. : vehicle is in calibration mode, starting a plan.
- Executing <plan_id> / <man_id>. ETA: <eta in seconds> (<progress>%) : Vehicle is currently executing a plan.
- Finished <plan_id> : vehicle has finished executing a plan successfully.
- Failed to exec <plan_id>: <reason> : vehicle has failed to execute its plan.
- <color red>navstat</color>: retrieve navigation information
(NAV) 2020-06-23 13:28:06/63.8728 8.6404/C:69/dC:-20/r:-57/th:0/S:0.0/aws:0.7/awd:118
meaning: (NAV)=navigation report/UTC date&time/latitude(deg),longitude(deg)/C=COG/dC=desired COG/r=rudder angle/th=thruster actuation/S=SOG/aws=absolute wind speed/awd=absolute wind direction.
- <color red>abort</color>: this command aborts the execution of any ongoing plan and receives no arguments.
- <color red>errors</color>: retrieve a simple vehicle diagnostic
replies: Vehicle has no reported errors. or Errors: <entities_in_error> listing all entities that present errors. - <color red>start plan_ID</color>: order execution of a plan already in the Plan Database of the vehicle. It receives, as its sole argument the name of the plan to be executed.
reply: Started execution of plan_ID. - <color red>force plan_ID</color>: order execution of a plan ignoring any errors.
reply: Started execution of plan_ID ignoring errors. - <color red>resume plan_ID GoTo_number</color>: order execution of a plan, starting from a specific maneuver id. It will generate a new plan that has the given maneuver ID as the starting maneuver and then will proceed to execute it. It will create a new plan named plan_ID-Goto_number that starts in maneuver Goto_number and will execute the plan.
- <color red>go lat=<latitude>;lon=<longitude>;speed=<speed></color>: commands the vehicle to go to a given waypoint in DEGREES (using a Goto maneuver).
- <color red>fence <latitude>,<longitude>;<latitude>,<longitude>;…</color>: creates a polygon (geofence) using the <latitude>,<longitude> (in DEGREES) list as vertices; when the USV is outside the polygon, a warning is raised and an Iridium message is sent.
- <color red>colav on/off</color>: turns anti-collision system on.
- <color red>gains p i d</color>: sets new gains for the course/heading autopilot.
Hardware Commands are used to send new navigation plans, retrieve telemetry and statistics, mission status.
- <color red>cr6 relays</color>: where relays is the string of booleans indicated above. This command enables/disables the solid-state relays.
reply: New CR6 settings applied. - <color red>on relay/sensor</color>: enables a specific relay - turns ON a specific sensor as indicated in the table above. Example on vhf turns ON the VHF radio.
reply: VHF is turning on. - <color red>off relay/sensor</color>: disables specific relay - turns OFF a specific sensor as indicated in the table above. Example off modem turns OFF the 4G/LTE Modem.
- <color red>restart relay/sensor</color>: toggles off and on a specific relay - restarts a specific sensor as indicated in the table above. Example restart modem restarts the 4G/LTE Modem.
- <color red>reboot</color>: Reboot the system remotely. It can be used to reboot just DUNE, the main CPU or auxiliary CPU.
- reboot: Reboots the main CPU.
- reboot aux: Reboots the auxiliary CPU.
- reboot dune: Reboots DUNE without rebooting the CPU.
- <color red>camera</color>: Triggers the onboard camera
- camera on: Starts live broadcast.
- camera off: Stops live broadcast and deactivates the camera until further notice; if routines are running, they are disabled.
- camera frame: Captures and stores one frame.
- camera video 20: Records one video of 20 seconds.
- camera frame-p 300: Captures one frame every 300 seconds.
- camera video-p 300 20: Records one video every 300 seconds of 20 seconds length.
Handling Scientific Sensors & Data
The following set of commands is able to control the Scientific Payload.
List of Scientific Sensors
Sensor Name | Sensor ID |
optode | opt |
ctd | ctd |
ecopuck | eco |
tblive | tbl |
adcp | adcp |
- <color red>sensor sensor_ID on_off samp_duration samp_interval</color>: where sensor_ID is the sensor ID; on_off determines if the sensor has to be turned ON or OFF; samp_duration determines for how long (seconds) the sensor collects data; samp_interval indicates the seconds between two consecutive samplings (sensor is turned OFF between them)
- L3 is OFF, turn on first. : if the payload computer is OFF.
- sensor_name is already ON : if the sensor to be turned ON is already ON.
- sensor_name is already OFF : if the sensor to be turned OFF is already OFF.
- sensor_name actions. otherwise (sensor is OFF and you want to turn it ON or viceversa).
- Examples: <color red>sensor ctd 0 60 120</color> will turn ON the CTD at regular intervals of 120s and collect CTD data for 60s; <color red>sensor opt 0 0 0</color> will turn ON the Optode 4835 and sample indefinitely; <color red>sensor eco 1 0 0</color> will turn OFF the ECOPuck Triplet indefinitely.
- <color red>sensors</color> + <color red>sensor_ID on_off samp_duration samp_interval</color> for each sensor: unique long message to control all sensors with one Iridium message only. - <color red>sensor_name report</color>: where sensor_name is the full sensor name.
- <color red>ecopuck report</color> will reply
(ECO) 2020/06/23 09:00:21/63.8728 8.6404/FDOM:0.1832/TU:0.0912/CHLA:0.1898
meaning: (ECO)=sensor_id/UTC date-time/latitude(deg),longitude(deg)/FDOM=fluorescent dissolved organic matter/TU=turbidity/CHLA=chlorophyll-a.
- <color red>ctd report</color> will reply
(CTD) 2020/06/23 09:37:49/63.8728 8.6404/S:0.29/C:0.04/T:15.80/SS:-1.00/D:0.05
meaning: (CTD)=sensor_id/UTC date-time/latitude(deg),longitude(deg)/S=salinity/C=conductivity/T=water temperature/SS=sound speed/D=sensor depth.
- <color red>optode report</color> will reply
(OPT) 2020/06/23 08:51:44/63.8728 8.6404/T:18.40/AS:98.87/DOX:289.87
meaning: (OPT)=sensor_id/UTC date-time/latitude(deg),longitude(deg)/T=water temperature/AS=air saturation/DOX=dissolved oxygen.
- <color red>tblive report</color> will reply
(TBL) 2020/06/23 13:00:10/63.8728 8.6404/SN:1000037/T:0.00/ANL:9/PNL:14/RLF:69/RMA:4
meaning: (TBL)=sensor_id/UTC date-time/latitude(deg),longitude(deg)/SN=sensor serial number/T=water temperature/ANL=average noise level/PNL=peak noise level/RLF=receiver listening frequency/RMA=receiver memory address.
- <color red>ecopar report</color> will reply
(PAR) 2020-07-01 18:01:16/63.8787 8.6482/PAR:302.03
meaning: (PAR)=sensor_id/UTC date-time/latitude(deg),longitude(deg)/PAR=Photosynthetically Active Radiation value.
- <color red>radiation report</color> will reply
(RAD) 64.1658 8.4496/2020-07-02 10:01:41/PAR:831.52/2020-07-02 10:01:47/FDOM:1.28/TU:0.06/CHLA:0.13
meaning: (RAD)=message_id/PAR sensor UTC date-time/latitude(deg),longitude(deg)/PAR=Photosynthetically Active Radiation value/ECOPUCK sensor UTC date-time/FDOM=fluorescent dissolved organic matter/TU=turbidity/CHLA=chlorophyll-a.
- <color red>ADCP depth</color> will reply
(ADCP) 2020-07-02 10:01:41/64.1658 8.4496/DP:7.5/S:1.4/D:64.4
meaning: (ADCP)=message_id/UTC date-time/latitude(deg),longitude(deg)/DP=sea current depth/S=sea current speed/D=sea current direction in degrees (NED).